
Grades Taught


Message from KHS School Administrators

Kainai High School (Grades 9-12)

KHS is ready for you! As Principal of the Kainai High School, I would like to welcome and encourage parents/guardians to pre-register their child for the upcoming 2024-2025 academic school year.

The Kainai High School would love to have your child's learning journey start at our school. Kainai High School will also provide your child with an enriching experience while they learn new things.

Along with academics the Kainai High School also has a sports program, E-sports, Blackfoot Language Lab (planning stages), Elders-in-residence, monthly themed activities, student incentives and mental health supports.

Thank you, Parents/Guardians, for your continued support!

Ms. J. Shade Principal

Mrs. D. Tallman Associate Principal

District Notice

Friendly Reminder KBE Parents and Kainaiwa Community...

KBE Annual Parent & Staff Conference
“Looking out for our Children”

Date: February 20 & 21, 2025
Location: Saipoyi Community School

CLICK HERE to register